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Dialog Box to pop op before CMM run


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Still new to the programing, so I'm looking to have some type of dialog box pop up when a machine operator bring up an un-tested program (or after the hit RUN, START). Basically want some type of notification to let the operator know to let the CMM programmer run the un-tested program though. We do our order of runs through the feature list; so is their a way to do some type of condition (like on the characteristics menu) before the fist feature of the run? Thanks for any help given...
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Hello Neal,

Do you usually see some kind of "measuring sequence information" before the CNC starts?
In the CNC window there is a button "Measuring sequence information" which can be assigned with information!
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Do you have PCM?
Do you have "Incremental part number" on your report header?
if so you can put an if statement in the presettings (top window shown in attachment) window and if your incremental part number is less than 2, itll throw a box up.
Let me know, if you have PCM ill write the code for you. (hoping its not going to be too difficult)

pcm button.jpg

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To trust the incremential part number would be stupid. Since it counts up during simulation. So if some one tested the program offline before you run it "online" and dont reset it, then "if > 1" would fail. And there are much of better ways.
My simple suggestion would be something like: If you have pcm, look fo a file, somewhere. (local on The online computer named after your program, if it exist, then dont show your info. If its missing, show your info and create The file.) If you dont have pcm, you can accomplish The same with a batch file. Just a tad more effort.
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Well i wouldn't call it "Stupid", i would say that when a programmer is worried about a new program being moved over to the machine, that programmer needs to take the conscious steps to clear the IPN.
Then from part #2 on, this little 4 line bit of code becomes a vestigial nothing that doesn't need to be erased or dealt with ever again.

Here you go

if IPN== "1" then
message("Go Get Someone Who Knows What the F They're Doing, like Andreas" +cr()+ "You're all Gonna Die!")
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myPath = getActualInspectionDir() // Locating the folder that contains my sound files.
myPathSiren= myPath + "\SOUND\SirenPlayer.bat" // Appending that information to create a file path and file name.
systemCall(myPathSiren) // Playing a ding or a bling!

message("Program is untested.") // What the operator sees.

yesNo = confirm("Continue?") // For operator input.
if yesNo == false then

This is my method. I unleash programs into the wild regularly without much oversight. However, I have AutoRun for the operators so that a program-in-process is not easily accessible. If, for some reason, the program is run... the above snippet is my fail-safe.

Ninja Edit: Ignoring the first three lines is probably best. I copy-pasted. I'm only leaving it up in the event someone sees this and has a better method (Eric?)
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Unless I'm misinterpreting the question, the simple solution would be to just put a program stop in the 1st feature.

Open the 1st feature strategy and put a programmable stop in after the clearance data and before the strategy in the 1st feature.
Then, in the Test for Programmable Stop, Type in "Hey, this is an unproven program, please contact the CMM programmer to run this for you so you are not held responsible for a $200 to $500K piece of equipment if it crashes." The operator will be given an option to choose the run or cancel the program.

If you do have PCM, just put in a Message in the pre-settings delineating the same message and you can also ask them if they want to terminate the program.

Richards solution would allow you to never have to worry about the message popping up again but, since you're the one running the program to prove it out, you can then just remove the programmable stop from the program. 164_00dc19afc79d2f91f20d705fd9b68e44.jpg
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You could just make a parameter called approved, and test for that, once the program is approved simply change the parameter value to 1 (or remove the code altogether)

The nice part of this, is you can use this to flag different mini-plans as approved or not as well as the entire program.

For the entire program would be something like this..

So Menu Plan -> Advanced -> Parameter

and in settings part of the window add


then, in your program presettings just add

if approved== "0" then
message("This Program is not approved")

For the mini plan could be something like this..

So Menu Plan -> Advanced -> Parameter

and in settings part of the window add


if inStr(getRunID(),"Mini Plan 10 Name") == TRUE

if mp10_approved== "0" then
message("This mini-plan is not approved")


if inStr(getRunID(),"Mini Plan 20 Name") == TRUE

if mp20_approved== "0" then
message("This mini-plan is not approved")

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