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Some elements not measured before calculation of characteristics.


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Hello colleges, some time in running of program I see this window. Order of run is From Feature List, so I be sure that all elements will be measured before calculation of characteristics.


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Hmm, not sure then, the only other thing I can think of is, does the characteristic have 2 elements to inspect? Someone else may know more.
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Since you run from feature list I assume the following: [list=]
  • Calypso doesn't measure features it (thinks it) doesn't need, even when run by feature list.
  • Calypso omits Circle7 because no characteristic has a direct reference to it.
  • Later it finds a characteristic which has an indirect reference to Circle7 (maybe because it refers to a coordinate system that uses Circle7 but wasn't needed by any other feature until then)
  • Calypso realizes it has already advanced past Circle7 in the feature list and for safety reasons asks you whether it shall be measured now (because by doing so it must deviate from the order of the feature list)
  • Just an assumption. I got that message a couple of times in the past, but I don't remember the cause, nor do I know why I don't get it anymore. Which version of Calypso is it?
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    I don't have a definite answer as to why this happens, but I have had it popup several times, and I am sure it measured the features in question. Having said that, I usually just end the run (it saves time for me), save the program to be on the safe side, and any other program that might be open and close Calypso, restart Calypso and the program(s). I don't remember a time that the program didn't run properly afterwards. It is almost like something did not load properly in the program the first time.
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    To add to my previous post: The reason I think it might be the program didn't load properly is, I have run the programs before with no problems. Versions I have had this happen with are 5.6 and I think it has happened since upgrading to 6.4, don't remember if it ever happened with 5.4 or not.
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    I use calypso 6.2 on offline and calypso 5.8 on dura max, and have a problem and on cmm and on offline. Norbert was rights it was distance from plane to cone addition, which use cone and circle. Then I add diameter of circle program work fully with out any dialog window.
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    • 1 month later...
    So much for my theories. Now I have the same problem 🤠 ( or better: 🤬 🤬 )

    All I know is the same measurement plan runs fine (and did so for years) under Calypso 2016 and previous versions. But a few weeks ago we went to 2017 and as ususal something goes wrong... 🙄

    It's a round part with a small bulge on the outer diameter. I need the radius from the center of the diameter to the highest point of the bulge. To avoid a complicated fixture, I measure the diameter and use "max coordinates" to find the bulge. There I place a focus point and another circle segment to measure the bulge in detail.

    In Calypso 2017 I get the above window, telling me that the focus point and the circle segment were not measured from the feature list, bla bla.
    But I can't see any incomplete references. The program calculates the max coordinate, then the focus point recalls it with formulas to the X/Y coordinates. What more does it need? I strongly suspect this is just a new bug in Calypso 2017.
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    Several years ago I had my programs on a network drive and would run the same program on two different machines at the same time. If I remember right one of the reasons I quit doing that is because I was getting that message. It runs fine on two different machines, just not at the same time.
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    I had a customer with this issue just recently. This was a pattern causing the issue. I have never seen this before and I have been around since 3.8. I run from Features almost 100% of the time. I told him to delete the pattern and recreate it and see if that fixed it, I haven't heard back from him may have to follow up since it is now a post on the forum. 😃 I tried to recreate the issue at the office but could not.
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    Our programs are on a network drive, but we keep seperate copies for each machine. And this program is optical and runs on our only O-Inspect.

    I changed it to run by characteristic list and the problem is gone for now. But it still looks fishy to me.
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