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New Measurement Plan Defaults


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There are some common settings (turning off large icons, turn on multiple reports, changing 'results to file' options, etc.) that I use for practically 99% of the measurement plans I create. Is there a way I can save these settings and load by default every time I create a new measurement plan so I don't have to keep setting the same thing every time?
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Create a template program with all of your desired settings. Do not add any features, characteristics, models or base alignment. Save it as a template program. When you create a program, instead of using NEW, use OPEN and load your template program and immediately do a "save as" and give it your final program name. To protect this program from accidentally being overwritten, open the measurement plan folder, right click on "inspection" and select Properties. Select "Read Only".
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Will the base alignment name need to be changed when doing a save as? Usually the name changes during the initial change but not on save as functions, and if you are not careful can lead to collisions either in the program you are working on or an established program that calls the same base alignment.
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Thanks Tom. DeStito brings up a good point. I suppose if I were to go this route, I would have to make sure I rename the base alignment before I save the new measurement plan.
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As long as you don't enter the Base Alignment window while making your template, I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Also, you're right about doing a "save as" more than once. Generally, if you start a plan from scratch i.e. Measurement Plan X, you can do one "Save As" and the Base Alignment name will change. It won't on subsequent "Save As's" That's why you don't won't to enter the base alignment window when you're creating your template. This way there won't be base alignment with name "template" that you'll have to correct.
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After you do your "Save As" and load your model to create the Base Alignment, make sure you select "Create new base alignment", the alignment name will change to the new plan name then.

It used to be if you opened the Base Alignment window and closed it without creating it, you were stuck with the template name when you do create it later.
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