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Probe Rack Display


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Does anyone know of a way to show more than 5 probes across on the probe rack display in Calypso? We have six probes across on our Accura2 and it would be nice of the display matched the rack.

Thank you!
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I always thought that they should be 6 in a row... seeing how they sell them in sets of 3 (or singles)

as far as I know I don't believe there is a way to change this. (i'm assuming you are talking about the locations in your automatic changer window)

I would throw the suggestion in the Wish List section though. doubt you would see it any time soon but i will give it a thumbs up if you do 🤠
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At the present time, you are only able to display 5 holders per level in the CNC Stylus System Changer window.

I agree with Joseph. Create a post in the Wish List forum. Let the users give it a thumbs up if they think it’s worthwhile.
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