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Parameter for cmmPosition


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Hello all,

We have a new DuraMax which is set up for AutoRun in a robot cell. At the end of my daily probe qualification I want to move the cmm back away from the fixture so that the operator may change the R&R plates. I tried to add a parameter at the end of the program with PCM (cmmPosition), but was not able to get it to work. The code looks like cmmPosition(x,y,z[,Axis1,Axis2,Axis3]), can anyone help me get this working?
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I'm not sure what you mean by end park position, but I cannot add cmm position points as my probe calibration program has no features to add them to. Is this different than what you are referring to? Unfortunately I don't have the PCM option on the Accura I am typically running so I'm very unfamiliar with it.

I'm certainly open to solving this issue in a different way.
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As Jason mentioned you are looking for End park position. located under the Plan > Navigation in the top menu ribbon.

this will park your head at a designated spot you choose. Almost the same as your position point only you don't need a feature and it happens at the end of the program.

if you search end park position in the help menu it will show you how to use it.
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I have outlined the functions below.. and provided a code example. I had to figure them out once for something I was doing.
The info below is based on the calypso help file and I added in the info I found while messing with the functions.

Hope this helps some..

FUNCTION: getPositionCMM()
Returns a vector with position information containing the current position of the CMM in relation to CMM home position.

returned values will be in the unit of measure that is currently acitve depending on configuration and or program settings.

Inputs: none

vector type variable with x y z position information based on the current unit of measure of the machine - either inch or mm depending on setting.

FUNCTION: positionCMM(x, y, z, [axis1, axis2, axis3])
Moves cmm to a given position based on the inputs provided expects metric input in mm. x y and z inputs are the position the cmm will move to in each axis in cmm coordinates from home position. The inputs of axis1, axis2, axis3 are the order of movement of the axes.


x - position along x axis from home position to move to (must be in mm)
y - position along y axis from home position to move to (must be in mm)
z - position along z axis from home position to move to (must be in mm)
axis1 - first axis to move in - allowable input "X" "Y" "Z"
axis2 - second axis to move in - allowable input "X" "Y" "Z"
axis3 - third axis to move in - allowable input "X" "Y" "Z"


The following example moves the CMM in Z to a position -30mm from its home position. In order to maintain position in X and Y it first uses getPositionCMM() to find its current position and then converts the provided position from inch to metric prior to calling positionCMM.

The example code is converting from inch to metric because the program it is used in is set to inch, if the program was not in inch then the conversion would be unnecessary.

curPos = getPositionCMM()

// convert to metric
mxPos = curPos.x * 25.4
myPos = curPos.y * 25.4

// go home in Z
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