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Has anyone imported Mitutoyo files into PiWeb?


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Me again.

Has anyone successfully imported Mitutoyo output files into Auto Importer? I'm trying to do so in Custom CSV and not having any luck.

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We have had some success with exporting .dfq format from Mitutoyo's Measurlink software. Still trying to find a format that works directly from MCOSMOS.....
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Thanks Dean. It looks like Measurelink is Mitutoyo's frankenstein of QC-CALC and PiWeb. Good to know that it can output .dfq, though.
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We created a graphical output program for Mitutoyo software when NewCastle Measurement, the software company I owned, was around. It was a offline CAD based program that outputs to native DMIS and GEOMeasure. I think you can still see a video of the software on youtube. The Graphics portion is a stand alone, it uses a csv output and outputs a graphical display.

It may work for you. Let me know if your interested and I can send you some information on it.

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It can be done if you contact Zeiss and have them build a custom translator for you.

There might already be one because we were importing Mitutoyo GeoMeasure results years ago.
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