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Metric vs Inches in PiWeb


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I know how to change the settings from Metric to Inches in the settings of the PiWeb editor, but is there a way to have PiWeb just use the settings of the measurement plan?
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I have looked all over Mr. Tom and I do not see anything. Mine defaults to whatever Calypso is using. If you find a fix let me know as I am curious about this. May happen to me one day
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Tom, from my experience most reports will use the units derived from Calypso. The form plots in the detailed view or PlotProtocol I've had to go in and change the units in the template and save. We usually use mm so I've just kept it as that. Wish I had an easier way, but this is what has worked for me.
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From our PiWeb Guys I got the following:

With the new ZEISS CALYPSO interface 2017, it is possible to automatically transfer the unit of measurement (for length and angle) into the database. The units of measurement are necessary so that you can change the output accordingly in PiWeb Designer. However, there is no possibility that PiWeb automatically switches to different test plans with different units of measurement (mm / inch). In the following is briefly described what to do to change the units.

1. Define the characteristic attribute “unit” for the corresponding characteristic in the Planner (see table below)
2. In the properties of the text element, switch to number formatting and change the number format to “Use decimal places setting”
3. Under Tools / Settings, change the corresponding output unit


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Right, but what you're showing in the last image is actually PiWeb Planner. Will the same information be uploaded to the .dfm for PiWeb Reporting / Reporting Plus? Guess I'll give it a try. My experience is only really in SBS / Enterprise so I haven't really given this a second thought.
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