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helix probe point issues


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Just to start off, I just had my calypso program updated to 2017 and I don't believe I was having this issue before that. Also, I write my programs in simulation for operators and this program hasn't been run on a cmm yet. I'm having an interesting issue with the probe point arrows when I use a helix path. All the probe point arrows are pointing in the z+ direction instead of radiating toward the center of the hole. I can add a circle path in the same hole and they will look fine radiating toward the center but the helix path is still pointing in the z+ direction. Any idea what the issue might be or is it not a big deal?
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Same probleme here. At simulation the helix actual vectors are displayed in the direction of feature's axis, but only at circle and cylinder, cone is working fine. Seem to be one of many display-errors of calypso, but is has no effekt to the programm itself, programm is running fine at CMM.
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Thanks, at least I know I'm not alone! On my screen, the vector arrows were all pointing in the base alignment z+ direction without regard to the feature axis or location on the part. I noticed it once before but it only happened to a couple holes in a series and I noticed it right before running it on the Contura. After running the plan on the part the vector arrows all displayed correctly. I figured it was a glitch of some kind in the simulation and just wanted to know if it was something particular to my set up or if there was a setting I needed to change to fix it.

Thanks again Michael, I appreciate the feed back.
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