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OK so I am diving into this PiWeb a lot deeper in that I am trying to set up my headers to match the old style. As you can see from the screen shots, I have no idea if I am on the right track or not. I thought that I could go in and check off what I wanted on the reports in the Multiple Print out window but that did not work. AS you can see now have 2 each of the needed variables. This does work, but its not very clean.

Also is there a way to change a generic template over to a plan specific template? PiWeb kicking me all upside the head right now...


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Plan specific templates are stored in the inspection plan folder in a subfolder named "PiWebReportingTemplates". So just copy your generic template over and Calypso should automatically detect it.

As to your other problem, I don't know why the entries are doubled, since I never used the new editor. Maybe you can post a copy of the actual userfields.ini file (it's in \protocol\protform\).
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I have been wrestling with PiWeb in 2017 for the last couple weeks and I am having zero luck. I don't have a PiWeb license. I want to create a new template and display results in a specific way. Nothing exotic or fancy, basic stuff. I am grinding my molars down to next to nothing about this. Anyone got any tips? I can't get a flatness plot to show up. Basic Reporter works beautifully.
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Yeah I got some of it figured out. AS far as the flatness, you have to turn on the "detail". Its a radio button. Its in the upper right in those icons. Sitting here I cant remember which icon it is though. Not at the PC. I think its the gear but im not 100% positive on that.

Unless you are already doing that lol.

I got my headers the way I want them, but I have to copy the templates into each program folder. That's working for now. Hope to go to training in May on this stuff.

Ill help where I can...
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If you search your pc for userfields, there should be a userfields.exe, or C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.4\bin\UserFieldsEditor that should be your file path.
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I went to Resources..Design Custom PO...Editor for user defined PO header...

After I set the variables up, I went to Multi printout tab and clicked the Select PO header Variables bar. I then check off what I want to show up on the rport header....

I then go into the report header itself and modify that to pull in what I checked in the previous screen. Works for me, and there may be a different way but I have not yet found it. PiWeb works a little different than the old reporting did. Lot of clicking but once you have it set up, seems to work. I have had no issues as of yet.
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