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Auto Qualification


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I have written autoqualification programs before but I am having a hard time suddenly. I am using a contura G2 with RDS XXT head. The problem is this; The probe scans the reference sphere like it is supposed to and qualifies all the angles except the last angle in the program. It actually scans the last angle, but the mast then travels up until it hits the end position switch. When this happens, the last qualification run is lost because the machine didn't get to where it was going so the results are not transferred.

I have tried putting in a CNC end position, but that didn't help. I tried recreating the stylus, I have tried recreating the stylus system. I do not have a PCM license on this machine so there is not code hidden anywhere. Zeiss tells me there is no way change the navigation in an autoqual program because it is controlled on the back end. Any ideas?

I am attaching a picture with my stylus in the angle I am trying to qualify just in case that is part of the problem.140_828092adf656ecec25224fa7f9a27ec4.jpg
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Curious if it's related to the last stylus or not. Can you remove the last stylus in your list to see if continues to move up to the z limit?
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I am not sure. I manually qualified and set up a loop to run it overnight. Hopefully I will get time to see if it is just related that angle or if other position will do the same thing.
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have you tried creating an entire new program with just that Stylus system to rule out that it is the program?

have you also tried qualifying through the caliper button in the probing system qualification window?
just some suggestions to rule anything else out.
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Matt, whats worked for me in the past, not sure how feasible here is to change the number on the stylus system or add a new one. Other programs may use all the stylus listed so adding a generic one at the end as stylus n+1 and simply qualifying it may work. The downside is that it adds time, the positive, it's machine time not yours.
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We ended up shortening the sphere tree and the stylus. Now the machine can finish it's move to complete the qualification. Thanks for the ideas guys.
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No. There are no features in the program, only Probing System Qualifications and results elements to report the sigma values. No clearance cube. Running from Characteristic list using position points in current alignment.
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Take a look at your settings under Extras - Settings - CMM - Movement. See attached. This was a problem on older version of Calypso.
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I understand but my feeling is you shouldn't have had to. Or do you have an abnormally tall ref sphere?
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  • 2 weeks later...
We had the same issue. Under the Start Measurement in the "Navigate - Feature to Feature" select "Use Position Points". Also, if you have the issue of the probe indexing to last qualified probe angle each time it does a stylus change, I added a A=90/B=0 probe named 999 at the end of the list. It isn't used for measuring but prevents the reindexing each stylus change.
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I realize Jeff's solution is a preventative measure, but to correct the issue of the RDS indexing to an odd position after a CNC stylus change, open the Probe Qualification window, index to the down probe (or desired probe), and then close the probe qual window. In other words, whenever the probe qual window is closed, the current stylus will become the active stylus after a CNC stylus change. It really doesn't have a direct connection to the last probe qualified, though it usually is by coincidence.
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