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Theoretical Plane


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One method is to go to Features menu, select Plane. Open plane feature, edit Nominal Z value, under Options, select Theoretical Feature. DONE. If you want to see a visual representation of the plane, add some values to Length 1 and 2, though not required. The only important issues are the direction of the plane which can be controlled by the Space Axis. And, the location in the plane in the direction of the Space Axis.

The drawing is not very clear. What are you trying to accomplish via the Theo Plane? If you're trying to find where the torus meets the tangent cylinder, you could right click on the Z nominal field and select Formula. Then, in the center column, find and highlight the Torus. Then, in the right column, double-click on the Z. This will add a formula to the Z nominal, which uses the actual Z value of the torus for the Z value of the theo plane.

If you're just trying to find where the tangency of the torus is located, just use a Cartesian Distance using the Torus as Feature 1 and the locating plane as Feature 2.

Do you really need a torus? Would a circle on the torus suffice? Trying using Define Circle on Cylinder tool and click on the torus. You'll see a dialog box asking if you want the Main Radius or the Subsidiary Radius. Chose the latter and it will create a circle on the torus for which you can report the radius of the torus and use the Cartesian Distance to report the distance from the circle to the locating face.
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