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Probe Naming And Cataloging


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Long time user of PCDMIS, now I'm using Calypso and still getting used to it. I have some pretty basic questions about the stylus system in Calypso.

When creating stylus systems how do you keep track of the exact hardware used for each system? Also, what abbreviated names can be used to identify the different systems?

I see that Zeiss has software named Stylus System Creator is this something to be used to create the stylus system and catalog the hardware used?

Any help is appreciated.
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What's the point of the forums when there's nobody out there to answer these questions? I seem to stumble on to many questions that I also have and there are no responses.
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Brian & Cindy, there are more people in the Calypso SOFTWARE forum that can probably help with many of your questions.

And to answer your initial questions Brian, the naming conventions for probes probably vary from company to company. One of our examples is: "3.0 X 100" which is a 3mm ruby tip with a 100mm extension. I used similar probe namimg using PCDMIS too.
Hope this helps.
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  • 1 month later...
Here is an example Excel file
Its our typical naming conventions
The actual name is something carried over: "Combo" followed by a number, the number is just a number.
Combo 39 is a star type probe set up.
Each tip has a unique name that reflects the Extension Length, Stylus Tip diameter and its Length.

Hope this helps

Rename the file from ".zip" to ".xls"

Combo 39 - New style.xls.zip

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Believe it or not, we use around 60 different probes and we have zero paper/Excel documentation, nor do we use any special naming convention other than the tip number and the direction of the stylus (+/- XYZ).
Our only documentation is the sylus system creator and the files in SSC format we save on a network drive for every new probe. In addition to the SSC files we also save a PCF exported from Calypso for each probe, so we can import those on all CMMs and have identical naming and numbers. By the way, the stylus creator can also create PDF documentation with pictures and a list of all elements used. Unfortunately it's no longer free unless you have an offline seat. Without a license it only works as a viewer.
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