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Probing a point inside a .050" slot. My retract & approach are both setat .001, and the stylus still hits the slot wall?

Clarke Gilbert | 03-28-2018 09:31 PM |
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Hi Clarke, I think you want to increase the retract distance above .001? If you're talking about what I think, the retract is calculated off the probe center, so if it's 1mm, you would want at least .015 to at least barely clear the slot wall.

Dave Mecozzi | 03-28-2018 09:48 PM |
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Here's what I teach in my classes for narrow slots. Edit clearance distance to .000 and then then take the slot width minus the probe diameter then divide by 2. Make the answer your retract distance. That will bring your probe to the exact center of the slot.

Tom Oakes | 03-28-2018 10:04 PM |
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I do the slot width minus the probe diameter then divide by 2 thing all the time. For some odd reason I had a brain fart.

Clarke Gilbert | 03-29-2018 04:07 PM |
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