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Probe Qualification woes...


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Hi all,

I seem to be having an issue that I can't quite replicate all of the time.

We have multiple DuraMax machines on the shop-floor and they all have the same configuration and setup (minus some probe systems being different).

On every CMM that we own, I always create a Probe Calibration program for the operators to run at the start of their shift. As far as I am aware, all of the Probe Calibration programs are the same (except if one machine has more probe systems than the other).

On one particular machine the operator is complaining that they some times have to run the program 4 times, other wise they will get a "Current Stylus Not Qualified" error even though the machine perfectly calibrated (as far as I can tell).

I'm not really able to replicate it myself, and I know for sure that if I manually qualify it (either a new touch-off, or using the caliper) that I've never had this issue.

I'm incline to think that it is operator issue, but I'm being pressured to figure it out, so I'm reaching out to everyone to see if they've seen this before and what they did to fix it.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Richard Shomaker | 03-27-2018 03:19 PM |
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I had this issue last week, it turned out to be a dirty adapter plate (RDS XXT). I cleaned it and that fixed the problem.

Clarke Gilbert | 03-27-2018 03:42 PM |
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Do you have "Limit Values" set? You may want to take a look at those numbers to verify that there isn't a typo in the sigma limit that may allow the stylus to occasionally fail. Speaking from personal experience.

Michael Mitchell | 03-27-2018 03:48 PM |
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If you use new Calypso revision which is using ID chip data then it is possible that XXT adapter plate is dirty and head cant read ID data. Finally adapter plate ID is unknown for Calypso and therefore not qualified. First try to clean plates and head contact plate with alcohol (with CMM switched off 😉 ). If this not help -take a close look at magnet in center of adapter plate and ring around this magnet. In this place you can sometimes find micro sized pieces of metal which can make troubles. Same problem may be in center of XXT head.

Marcin Mieszala | 03-27-2018 04:12 PM |
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Hmm.. Good suggestions, I didn't think about such things.

I'll try just turning off the ID chip verification first to see if that helps.

Richard Shomaker | 03-27-2018 04:15 PM |
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We used to have some special "putty" from renishaw to press on to the adapter plate and it would remove steel particles that stick to the permanent magnet in the plate.

Dave Scott! | 03-27-2018 05:19 PM |
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I just had this happen again. The sigma was 0.00027, but the probing system qualification "S" showed a red X. I ended up replacing the adapter plate and that fixed the problem.

Clarke Gilbert | 03-27-2018 06:00 PM |
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I'm going to change out the adapter plate as well. I'm starting to see how ruff they are with this machine.

Richard Shomaker | 03-27-2018 06:16 PM |
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We have this issue when the operator aborts the program without letting it complete. We end up manually requalifying the probes. Then the autoqual programs run beautifully until someone aborts the program again.

Matthew DeStito | 03-28-2018 05:50 PM |
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It ended up being damaged adapter plates (specifically the MasterProbe - how they even damaged that one is beyond me).

I'm glad that it is fixed (at the moment), so they can get off my butt.

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