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Sphere Position on Qualification


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I'm have issue with Qualification when using "Dyn. Tensor" mode on a star probe. I get a warning message that says "The current stylus cannot be qualified with the sphere in this position. Please rotate the reference sphere so that the entire equator can be probed without a collision." While at the advanced calypso class I asked the instructor what should be done and he said to set the Reference Sphere so that it is standing straight up with 180° tilt and 0° rotation. I did that and I still get the same warning message. But when qualifying in "Tensor" mode the qualification will run without any warning messages. What can I do to eliminate warning messages while using "Dyn. Tensor" mode on star probe?

Brent Haynes
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I'm pretty sure you'll need to rotate the reference sphere so that a full 180 degrees of exposure is available to the stylus. This means you'll be able to qualify 2 probes in one setting of the reference sphere position. Then you'll need to rotate the reference sphere 180 degrees, re-establish reference sphere position with master probe, then do the other 2 positions.

Tom Oakes
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Are you measuring large diameter bores? If not, you may find that using the standard Tensor mode works just fine. It is my understanding that Dynamic Tensor is for high-speed measurements of large diameters.

Tom Oakes
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I use low speed scans and never on large bores. I'll continue using "Tensor", attached is the reference sphere and its orientation.

Brent Haynes
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looks like you use a lot of stars ! If that's the case you can also get a second reference sphere. that way you COULD get Dyn tensor on all 4 in one operation.

Dave Scott!
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Dynamic Tensor calculates the amount the stylus flexes (based on different direction and force levels) and if you are scanning and want accurate results should be done a minimum of one time for each stylus on a given stylus system. The bend amounts shouldn't change so its not necessary to do it all the time, however it should be done when the probe is new to the machine or any time you question whether it has been done for that stylus system.

Once you are sure you have run dynamic tensor on a stylus system, you can use a regular tensor calibration and it will continue to use the data from the last dynamic tensor in regards to the bend allowances while using the updated data from the tensor calibration for location size and sigma.

As for how to do a dynamic tensor, you can do a dynamic tensor for 1, 4 and 5 styli with the reference sphere pointing to the right rear, and can do styli 2 and 3 with the reference sphere pointing to the front left.

Derek Stedman
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Brent, If you go into help and search "Basics about dynamic stylus qualification", you'll see that Derek is on the right track.

Tom Oakes
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