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Measure Diameter on a Curved Surface


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Any tips on measuring a diameter on a curved surface? I have a cylindrical part with a thru diameter along the surface. I have gotten by with scan/single point in the past. Is there a better way to scan that will follow both the thru diameter and the contour of the part?

Harrison Moulton | 26.03.2018 20:42 |
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I can get it to put points that follow the surface but they will be space points. You can bunch them up with scans to get a better idea of how good the holes are...

Dave Scott! | 26.03.2018 21:11 |
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I'm leaving in a few minutes so if anyone else can explain using a cylindrical section to create a section line near the OD and then using space point group ( creating feature , Use section ) then recalling those and recalling circle points into a cylinder...

Dave Scott! | 26.03.2018 21:15 |
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To me, Curves is the only option to scan as one continuous scan.

I've also been able to play with a helix path using a number smaller than one for the number of turns. In this case, it would take 4 different helix paths to cover each quadrant.

Tom Oakes | 26.03.2018 21:34 |
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