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Report for stages


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There is a way how to overload more stages into one report page, to put them one over the other and to see the parts in section? Can these be possible in Zeiss software 2022 or V8 SR1 2016?

Thank you,


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Hello Nanno, 

I try to overlap 2 parts in the same inspection program and to compare them in the same area.

In the picture below i imported 2 parts (which were exported with the same alignment) and they were imported one over the other. I made two sections in the same area and I want to analyze/compare that area. I tried with stages but the comparison is done on separate views/pages.


Thank you,



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maybe for this application a part project would be more fitting. Either import each mesh in a separate part or you define one mesh as "pseudo CAD" ZEISS Quality Tech Guidehttps://techguide.zeiss.com/en/zeiss-inspect-2025/article/cmd_mesh_convert_mesh_to_cad_data.html for the comparison.

For the alignment you could export the meshes in the state of the screenshot and after the import use this as an alignment: https://techguide.zeiss.com/en/zeiss-inspect-2025/article/cmd_manage_alignment_define_original_alignment_as_initial_alignment.html

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Thank you for your quick response.

And if i have more than 2 parts to analyze them in overlap, how can I proceed? Each mesh in a separate part?




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yes that would work. If you create a section, you can select the meshes all at the same time and the software will automatically assign the sections to the right part.


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Ok, thank you Nanno.  I created different parts in GOM 2022, inside each part i imported CAD and mesh and I created sections than I made them visible in order to compare them. I thing in GOM V8SR1 2016 this option is not available.






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Hello Nanno, could you please explain a bit further the use of the "Trajectory" shown above? I am interested in how and when to use this. 

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Hello Brian,

some information is here:

It will show the "path" a point or another element traveled from stage to stage. For a point it's possible to fit an element from the individual points along the trajectory. You could fit a minimum circumscribed sphere around the points to get an idea about the spread over the parts for example. 

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