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New revision 3d model


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I’m new to working with CMM machines and Calypso.

I’ve received a new revision of a 3D model with some changes from the previous part.

My question is: do I need to create a new Calypso program from scratch, or is there a way to replace the old model with the updated one?

Thank you!

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The basic workflow is to delete the current model (CAD / View / Delete [or Erase?]  - I use the German menus) and then load the new one.

If the Calypso program uses an orientation that differs from the CAD coordinate system, you have to rotate and/or translate the model accordingly after loading. 

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Load the new model into a new program and verify that the CAD origin and orientation is the same as the original program. If not, use CAD transformation to make it so. Save this program when the changes are made. This will save the model as a .sab. Now back to the original program and delete the old model. Load the new model.sab from the new program you had created. Now use CAD/ CAD FILE/CAD MODEL COMPARISON to find the difference between the new cad model and the old program. I have literature I put together for this if you need it.

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