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Discus ballooning software


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Is anyone using Discus to balloon blueprints?

Discus adds far too much verbiage.

a. Angle Dimension: 45 +/-1 deg (There is no need to and "Angle Dimensions:")

b. Linear Dimension: .040 +/-.010 in (There is no need to add "Linear Dimension:")

c. True Position: <= .020 in |⌖|⌀.020|A|B|C| (There is no need to add "True Position: <= .020 in")

d. In, there is no need to add the word "In" to each entry.


Discus balloons need to be transparent, if you miss how its placed it can cover necessary information.

These are just few examples.

Any tips or assistance is appreciated.

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When you say balloon, are you just trying to add numbers in circles? We use a tool from PDFAutomationStation called "Auto-Increment Dyname Stamp (Hollow Circle). I think its like $20 for a year or maybe its unlimited. It adds numbers in hollow circles sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc)

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Yes, add numbers that are circled.

Discus was chosen a while back before I was employed.

It has automation capabilities with Calypso and CSV files, most likely the main reason it was chosen.

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