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Orientation Change of a tube in Zeiss Calypso


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I am working on a program sent from our customer who wants us to use their program to verify dimensions as their are discrepancies in our results. They have a different fixture set up then ours, so we have difference of alignment.
I have a query about how can I rotate the alignment of the tube to match to our alignment, so it can also match all the existing features as well. Since, I am using special feature from base alignment (used rotation by angle option), all the hole features are keeping their original positions.
Is there any way, I can rotate the orientation while also moving the features along with it.


Our Alignment.PNG

Customer Alignment.PNG


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I think it doesn't matter while you will use same features.

It seems they are using left hole as +Z and you are using right hole as -Y.

If drawing is using ABC alignment, then you sould be fine - no matter how is basic alignment done.

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