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Stylus System Creator (SSC): Angled probes


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I have created an RDSXXT TL3 probe with a generic disk (I doubt the generic disk makes any difference).

The probe is created at -Z and A0, B0. (See image "Generic Disk -Z A0, B0.png").

Then I create another probe, named: Articulation Setup (See image "Generic Disk -Z A0, B135 (45).png"). This will have my geometry to use in the real probe.

This is used to create articulations away from A0, B0. Such as the example in this post, A0, B45.

Image "Imported Stylus and adjust geometry.png" is the stylus where I add the 45° articulation and attempted to use the geometry from the "Articulation Setup" created in SSC.

The probe named "Articulation Setup" works fine when scanning the Cylinder.

When I add the exact geometry (8 decimal places) to my probe I want to use, it is so far away its useless. I have to edit the geometry to get it partially close. (See image "Imported Stylus and adjust geometry.png").


Compare the geometry in image "Generic Disk -Z A0, B135 (45) Imported.png" to the geometry in image "Imported Stylus and adjust geometry.png".

Why does the setup probe work and the same geometry in another probe won't even be close?

Bothe probe builds are identical.

(It would be great if this forum presented images in the order I select them for upload instead of randomly placing them).

Generic Disk -Z A0, B0.png

Generic Disk -Z A0, B135 (45).png

Generic Disk -Z A0, B135 (45) Imported.png

Imported Stylus and adjust geometry.png

Side by Side at import.png

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