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About stylus qualification:


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Hi All,

I have built a new stylus system which is facing Z+ direction. I have a query about qualifying this stylus.

Do I need to add the length of extension or calypso will automatically calculate ?

What should be the tilt of the reference sphere, and the values for orientation and tilt during qualifying master prob. Should I keep the sphere in 90 degree angle like shown in image for qualifying this stylus. 






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You might find that settings the sphere tilt to 120° will let you Calibrate that +Z Probe and all your other ones... That way you only have to change the rotation and save some effort during calibration.

Also, Setup that RSH Sphere... it'll make your life way easier. Once it's setup it lets Calypso measure the Tilt and Rotation for you...

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Like Clark said, Tilt:90 and Rotation: 180. This will work fine. However, when you do the  reference sphere position, touch the top of the sphere, not the side.  

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The +Z probe would qualify fine in "Inclination 135 and Rotation 45".

That is, the Reference Sphere at Z 45°.

Make sure your "Active reference sphere" data is complete in Stylus Management. Otherwise, the path pre-programmed may not know to ovoid certain movements.

The image attached is what I use for one of my +Z probes.


If you have more than one +Z probes make sure the Reference sphere is aligned properly to the inclination you chose. It must be within at least one degree of the chosen inclination angle.

Stylus Management.png

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