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Having issues running the same program on two different CMMs at the same time


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We have two CMMs in our lab, they both save data to the same folder on a server. When I try and run a program on both machines at the same time they will run but the data gets corrupted and Calypso is unhappy. I know this is possible and I am pretty sure they are over writing each other as they run, anyone have any advice? Nothing in the settings is jumping out at me. 

Thanks in advance!

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I've had this problem in the past. I'm guessing you are running the same program from a server? The way I solved it was to save a copy of the program to the desktop on one of the CMMs and run that. Your other CMM can run the one on the server. 

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We had the same issue. When the program is running simultaneously, the data from both runs are saved to the inspection folder.  What we did was create a separate folder for each CMM (CMM1, CMM 2, CMM3), created different computer server usernames for each CMM (Zeiss1, Zeiss2, Zeiss3).  Each folder was restricted to each individual username as well, so you could not run a program form CMM 2 folder on CMM 1. The CMM Programmer usernames were given Full Control over the folders as well. This eliminated the program errors. The major thing is ensuring the programs are the same from each folder.  If you make a change on a program on one CMM, you need to copy that file to the other CMM folders as well.



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