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Repeat Polygonize Volume Python Script


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Hello, I would like to develop a Python script to speed up my workflow.

In a single scan, I have multiple parts, each with its own volume, and I need to create a single mesh for each one.  Since the parts are similar, I want to use the same polygonalization parameters for all of them. The script should perform the "gom.interactive.volume.polygonize_volume_single_material" function on the first volume, collect the user parameters, and execute the polygonalization. Based on the selected options and parameters, it should then repeat the process on all the remaining parts.

Can anyone suggest how to do this?

Thank you for your help.

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You should create a polygonalization parameter dialog to collect the user inputs first, then pass these parameter values to the GOM command(disable interactive). Once you have these parameters, you can apply the same polygonization settings to all volumes in a loop.

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