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Drive Monitor or D30 switching off


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Drives will kick off using Auto Run program that is 16 hrs long. this program has been used for 7 months prior with no error. 

error listed below-

30.11.24,10:52:35, 825858 d002,

switch off by drive monitor at X..S:

+885.7172, -689.9403, -782.1980 X +.0

30.11.24,10:52:35, 865987 00115,59176,004,30,10:52:35,865,01000100-

>switch off axes: X

 30. 11.24,10:52:35,881960 00488,00000,020,30,10:52:35,881 N:08 E:85-

>drive monitor or D30 has switched OFF

30.11.24,10:52:35, 971143 00004,59184,004,30,10:52:35,971 G074

Position arc interpolation-->Command rejected - drives switched off

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