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User-defined Tolerance Table


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I've made a user defined tolerance table with mold-dependent tolerances as well as mold-independent tolerances.

When I set that tolerance table and apply tolerances automatically from it, it always sets values from mold-dependent tolerances. Is there a way to set them accordingly to what they are?

I'm using GOM 2019.


José Oliveira

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do you have set your actual element to the correct value, as shown in the following screenshot:



Note 1: Screenshot is taken from GOM Software 2021, but in GOM Software it should have a similiar appearance

Note 2: Yes we know that a better place (in sense of accessbility) would be the tolerances itself.


I hope this solves the problem. Otherwise I would suggest that you contact your local partner to get further support.


Best regards

Christoph Schult

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