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In need of a basic CAD model of a Contura (2014).


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Do any users have a basic CMM 2014 Contura Model, size 9-12-8?

I have a heavily created model from Zeiss for a 2014 Contura 9-18-8, its a heavy 167mb step file.

There used to be some nice generic models that were easy to load in CAD software where I could move the X,Y and Z axis easily.


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In older Calypso versions the CMM models for simulation were stored in a subfolder named CAD Elements (or similar) in the program folder. These models were simple and in SAT/SAB format. This has changed however in a more recent version (I forgot which - there's a forum post from me somewhere, mentioning it). Now the models are in a proprietary format that can't be read with any CAD software. So your only chance to get one of them (if not from another user) is to install one of those older versions and copy said folder.

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Simulation models are about as basic as you can get 😄 After all they need to be moved around in real time even on average PCs.

Note however that the ram and probe head are often stored in seperate files, some of which have always been in a proprietary format.

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I took a quick look at that model in my CAD and it looks like many of the machine parts exist twice at the same location. That would explain the size. I don't know if they had a good technical reason to do that or if it was only by accident. 

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