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Dummy Clearance points


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If I want to use the POINT feature to create a dummy clearance point, does there have to be a characteristic attached to it to run in a program? The clearance cube has its limitations sometimes and I wanted to add some stand alone clearance points within the POINT feature, but not have them dump into my report as a characteristic. Thanks.

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Normally, position points are within the strategy, not separate features.   In your case, you can Hide the results.  In the multiple report window, at the top, select Mark Characteristics.  Select the characteristic that you don't want on the report by selecting "On"   Click OK.  Then tick Hide option on the Multiple Reports window.

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Is there a reason why you can't add a strategy element 'position point' to the fetaure you want to clear?

To run a feature without a characteristic attached, you can add some kind of 'nullified' formula to another feature or characteristic. By nullified I mean that you reference a value from the point feature and multiply it by zero, then add whatever value you actually want in that field. That way you generate a dependency to the point feature and force Calypso to evaluate it. Of course you have to choose carefully where you put that formula since the point will then be executed right before that element.

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Norbert, Thanks. I could eventually make it work that way, yes. I just have an item on my machine that is using up all of my volume in Z & X and I'm using long probes with attachments and occasionally get the dreaded "hardware end position" error. It was more of a question that I did not know about hiding a characteristic if i do create a random CLR point.

Thanks again.

Thanks Tom as well

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I used to have this issue on an old spectrum we had. More specifically when it would probe change. I found using the Rotate/swivel position under Plan-Navigation worked well. I would add a +Z clearance plane and then a +Y with an offset to get away from the part. This would probe change without hitting the hardware end position. 

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My "workaround" is to add extra moves to the last feature measured in the "strategy" tab. I will set the "clearance plane" element to only "before only", then adding a machine move after the measuring elements, sing one of the movement buttons. You can add multiple moves, and stylus directional changes as well.

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These moves can also be done in the CNC End Park Position object, found under Plan > Navigation.  This way it is not dependent on having to run the last feature.

I believe the "before only" option only applies to the "Clearance Distance" property, not the "Clearance Plane".  I don't use this option, so I'm not 100% sure.  Every feature always returns to the assigned Clearance Plane, unless it is within a set of features all using a sub-clearance plane.

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