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Alignment names in characteristic list


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Is there a way to capture all the names of the alignments in the characteristic list?  I can generate a list of all the characteristic names, but the alignment names are not on the list.

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Try this ..

 This will output them all to a .txt file in your program folder.

for i =1 to baseSystem().machine.inspection.allPCSNames.size
	addToFile(getActualInspectionDir()+"\PCM1.txt", coordsysnames)
next i


I'm learning slowly ..


if you just want the names :




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baseSystem().machine.inspection.getExistingPCS.definitionList  // usage and elements
baseSystem().machine.inspection.getExistingPCS.definitionList2 // usage and elements without ' -> '
baseSystem().machine.inspection.getExistingPCS.allMeasElementNames // only elements

for i=1 to bas.keys.size
        display(el.key.trim + "   ->   " + el.value.trim)
          next i


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