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Reverse engineering extended aligning options


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Hello Zeiss-Community,

for the past weeks i've been using ZRE as a trial version and created my first CAD models out of point clouds.

Now I've switched to the ZRE Pro licence and noticed that the manually alinging feature is gone.

I expected it to be a bug in the GUI but after some research I've found out that its part of the tool correction extension.


Why is such an crucial feature part of the tool correction extension? Why would you only need it in mold making?

It makes no sense to me. 


Is there another way to align two point clouds to eachother? Can you align a point cloud to sketch elements for example?


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I empathize with you on this shortcoming.  I think it was an unintelligent choice on Zeiss's behalf to price-gate the manual alignment function by reserving it for separate tool correction extension.  This add-on is not viable, period.  All functions should be available under the pro license.  ZRE was a software laden with potential that had its legs cut out by mismanagement and lack of development to customer needs.

I really like the user interface and CAD-friendly environment of ZRE.  It could have been something great.  It's sad that corporate not-metrologists were allowed to make design choices for this software that are obviously not in the best interest of the end user.

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