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Filtering a 2d line


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I understand and use frequently filtering of holes. Most other features I have little knowledge of. I'm outputting six angles (6 lines relative to a cylinder).

The lines are .070" long. Equally spaced vertically 60° apart. Just looking for the proper filter setting. I'm pretty sure it will be spline, but beyond that, I have no idea.

Thanks in advance.

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Lines typically fall into the same filter settings as Planes. The Cookbook would say anything less than 25mm in length to use the 0.8mm wavelength cutoff. Obviously if your scan path is less than 0.8mm you cannot use the 0.8mm, so you might need to back down to the next increment. 

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The cookbook sets up the number of points or step width to make sure the appropriate filter has 8 points per undulation or wavelength cutoff.  Like Richard mentioned, use of a smaller wavelength cutoff would be necessary.  For example, if you decided to use a .25 cutoff length filter, you would take, 0.25/8 and use a .03125(.0012") step width.  On a ,070" long line, that would create 7.1 samples that are 0.25 long with 8 points in each sample.  Note: you can have more points but you can't have less than 7.   The cookbook calculates everything to produce 8 points.

I created a chart showing the step width required for the appropriate filter based on a .070" long line.  The only thing I don't know is the ideal number of cutoff samples.

Gauss is used for all standard geometry.


Screenshot 2024-12-17 111057.jpg

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I believe the mathematical requirements of the low pass filter are at least 7 points per cut-off wavelength and at least 2 cut-off wavelengths per sample length.

In your case with only a 0.07 sample length, a 0.8 cut-off wavelength is just barely over 2 and would be prone to failing to filter due to discarded points.

I would use a minimum of 0.25 cut-off wavelength to prevent this and also make sure that you have at least a hundred points in your scan.

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