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CAD model disappears


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This program measures a family of 12 parts. All geometry the same, with varying diameters. 

Below are my presetting's. Same as I always use. I've never had this problem before. Program runs fine but the model doesn't even appear to get loaded into the program. 

Its got to be something simple, but I can't figure it out. All the models are in the program folder and their names match the PCM Presetting's below.


LN = getRecordHead("order") 

dir = getActualInspectionDir()

Part_Size = inquireList("Which part number are you measuring?", "100420",  "120100", "119270", "120028", "114184", "114185", "117403", "105723", "113003", "111460", "119271", "110920")
selectCase Part_Size
    case "100420"
        readPCMFile(dir + "\100420.PARA")

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