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How to programmatically trigger Zeiss dialog's abort function


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Hi everyone,

I'm working on implementing a stop feature that monitors a PLC signal. When the signal is triggered, I want to automatically stop any running Zeiss software commands. I know there's an abort button in the Zeiss dialog that can stop running commands. I'd like to trigger this abort function programmatically when a PLC signal is detected.

Here's my current code for monitoring the PLC signal:

def monitor_stop_signal():
    while True:
            if read_plc_bool(plc_client, 'Q', 600, 0):
                print("Stop signal triggered!")
                """Abort here"""
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Stop signal monitoring error: {e}")
# Start monitoring thread
monitoring_thread = threading.Thread(target=monitor_stop_signal, daemon=True)

Is there a way to programmatically trigger the dialog's abort function when the PLC signal is detected? How can I call this abort function from my code?
Thank you for your help

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do you want to stop your ZEISS INSPECT Python script or are you looking for a generic method for stopping a ZEISS INSPECT command?

Best regards,



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I'm looking for a generic method to stop ZEISS INSPECT commands. Right now, even if I send a stop signal during the scan, it will still finish the whole scan before processing my signal. I want to be able to abort the scan immediately when I need to stop it, just like an abort button does. However, I don't know how to use commands to trigger the same action as the abort button. Do you have any suggestions?

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Go to the Python editor. Create a new script. Hit record. Start a process. Hit abort. Stop recording. What does the script say?

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There does not seem to be an integrated solution for what you want to achieve, but you could try to use PyAutoGUI · PyPI to emulate clicking the abort button (or pressing the 'ESC' key) from a Python script running externally.

Best regards,



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I already tried that before but unfortunately nothing was recorded.

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Thank you for your suggestion but due to security policies, we are unable to implement external automation tools like this. It would be very helpful if the abort function could be integrated into the system natively in the future, as it would help us avoid unnecessary waiting time during process execution.

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I have filed a development request issue.

Best regards,


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