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Plane evaluation methods


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I am looking to measure the distance from one plane to another in the same orientation (z+). I am using a cartesian distance characteristic and I can obtain different results based on which evaluation method I choose for the planes (LSQ, Outer Tan, Min Fea, etc.)

How do these evaluation methods apply to planes exactly? If both planes are set to LSQ, is that the best average between the two? If I wanted to know the minimum and maximum difference between them, would I set the upper plane to outer tan and the lower plane to minimum feature and vice versa?

What are the best and most common methods to report this distance?




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This attachment might help. Although it could be overkill for your application, it should help explain the evaluation settings. I have found the distance between one plane set to outer tangent and the second plane set to LSQ seems to give me more realistic results. The distance between two planes both set to outer tangent tends to give me a high reading that I can't replicate with any other measurement tools. 



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