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Intersection curve issue


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I've had this issue for over a year now. If you create a curve from a cylinder and cone and force one or both of the features to be created in the direction of the CAD model the curve will error out as seen below in red. 

We get distances from the intersection of a cone and cylinder. I prefer 3d geometry so instead of section cuttting and creating lines, I intersect a cone and cylinder to create a curve, then I create a fitting circle from the curve. 

In the below example, both features are only .01"/.25mm in height not to mention I don't have the full 360 arc on the feature, I only have 120degrees of the feature. I dislike forcing features in the direction of the CAD model, but in this case I sometimes do. 


From experience 75% of the time i force both the CYL and CONE in the direction of the CAD, I get an error creating the curve. If I release one of the features from the CAD direction I get the error about 40% of the time. If I release both, I will only get the error about 5% of the time.

Is this a know error?  A cone and cylinder must intersect into a spline/curve by definition so I don't know why there is a problem with this. I can provide this example thru email if needed.









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That is what I use...i select the cone and cylinder.  Problem is if either feature is small or of limited arc I need to give the feature help in direction only. In doing so, the curve will fail to calculate. I just had to transition a distance this morning to creating 3 intersection points using section cuts and lines and the I create a circle from the 3 int pnts as to simulate capturing some 3d geometry. With .05mm tolerances relying on one section cut and one int point has hurt us in the past.

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