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Require assistance for polar position of holes on cylindrical part.


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I am newby in Calypso. As seen in the attached image, there are holes on the outer surface of a cylindrical part. I am asked to perform a polar query that requires both angle and height. What is your suggestion for achieving this in a single query in Calypso?


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I would create B-A-F then create a series of secondary alignments rotating to each hole (30 degrees). Use these secondary alignments in the Position evaluation so the deviation will check the angle position and the height position. You won’t need to change it to polar because that angle is rotated to the correct position each time (thru the center of the theoretical diameter position)

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Thanks for replies. My solution is creating BAG then create intersections of all bores on shell of cylinder. After that i create theorotical points on the cylinder according to intersections using "recall" function. Thus, I was able to obtain data in the same query that shows both the Z height and the angle as desired. What are your thoughts on this method? Do you think it is correct? 

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