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Table file making excel files


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Hello, recently upgraded from 2022 to 2024.

When running parts we have table file turned on so that QC Calc can eat the chr.txt as it does.

After upgrading though, having table file turned on also makes an excel file of the actual results (a merged file with all the results for multiple runs).  Some of the cmm computers do not have excel installed so it gives fun error messages after a part run.

How do I turn off this excel madness?

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Great... I just saw this in the release info:

"The results output to Excel will now occur automatically if the export of
table files is active.
The Excel file has the name of the measurement plan is saved in the
same folder of the table files (…\ workarea \ results).
Pre-condition: Excel must be installed on the same workstation."


How the crap do you turn this off?  I do not have excel installed on some of these machines so it gives errors when it makes the file (the pre-condition is a lie!).  And then it makes more dialog popups and asks if I want to overwrite the existing files if I happen to go run a different part and then come back to the first.  Is there a way to make this "feature" optional and not automatic?

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Hello Perry,


We have noticed this as well. If it is what I think it is, there is a folder called C:\program data\Zeiss\Calypso 7.8\bin\Table2Excel that you can rename to stop it. I wouldn't get rid of it right now, just in case I am mistaken.

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That is brilliant, thank you!

I renamed it to Table2Excel.exe.BAK and it worked for me!

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