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End Part Position Ignored in Geometry Re-Qualification Program


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So, I'm programming a Contura G2 with the VAST XXT head and I've always had an issue with the Geometry RE-Qualification Program that we learned how to write in Calypso Advanced. It worked fine in class, as far as I can remember, but when I run this program on the CMM here at home, it always ignores the End-Park Position. This is the only program I've had this issue with. I've tried multiple ways to avoid hitting the limit switch with the End-Park Position, but nothing is working. I have to be ready for the final stylus system to finish, and manually stop the head from moving to the limit switch. As I'm typing this, I'm running a version where I've manually added positioning points to the reference sphere feature, but i don't have much hope that this will work either. Any idea?? -TIA 

Btw, I did see other posts related to this topic but none related closely enough to my situation. 


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Screenshot Plan>Navigation>Block Edges

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In the first photo, you can see that Calypso is reading the End Park Position. Second photo shows the Blocked Edges you requested, however, I'm unsure how this would affect the End Park Position.



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Was the CMM you used in class the same as the CMM you are using now? Can you delete the end park position and remake it on your machine?

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There's no reason that I can think of why it is moving to a limit other than it already has a CNC End-Park position.

I have qualification programs on multiple Conturas and don't see this problem. Which axis limit is it hitting?

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Which icon are you using in the End Park Position.   My guess is you won't be able to use either of the 1st 2 icons that are relative to a base alignment.  The 3rd icon would be relative to the machine coordinates.

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I think along the same lines as Tom.


Calibration program likely has no Base Alignment, so it doesn't have a proper reference.


I would think the only position you can use the the one with MK on the button.

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Earlier versions of Calypso used the MK from German abbreviation of Maschinenkoordinaten.  In 2023, it shows an icon of a machine silhouette.  The X, Y and Z coordinates are in the machine's coordinate system where the home is X0, Y0 and Z0.


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i use this option on CMM CNC run of my program......since is based on the sphere and not actual part



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Yes, same exact machine. And yes, I can delete and add new End Park Positions.

Someone on here mentioned that i might be using the incorrect button to create the End Park Position as some of them reference a Base Alignment, but there is no "Base Alignment" per se, in the Verification Programs. It makes you run a Manual Alignment each time to run the program.

I'm willing to bet this was the issue. I'll give it a try before the end of the day and let you guys know if that fixed the problem.

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I thought about this approach, but I have some unique orientations of the stylus system and XXT extension, so I was worried about accidentally causing a collision with the reference sphere. If all else fails, I'll give this approach a shot. Thanks!!!

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You shouldn't need to run a manual alignment.  I think I would start over but not completely.   

Leave the 1st program open. 

Create a new program. 

Go back to 1st program and copy the 3 probing qualifications.

Go to new program and paste the probing qualifications into the characteristics list.

Move the stylus system to the desired parking location

Select Plan from the menu, then Navigation, then CNC End Park Position

Click the + sign to add a new strategy.  Click the 3rd icon from left on top row.

Click OK to close everything.

Click run.

In right column, select Run from Characteristics list, Use Position Points, Normal and 80mm per second (1st time through)

In center column, tick "clear existing results.

In left column, run Current Alignment, All Characteristics, Start.


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Thank you for the info!! Maybe that's the difference in my program and the one we wrote during training. It's been over 2 years since I took the Advanced class, so it's totally possible I used the wrong button. I'll give this a try today and report back. 

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I meant to say Re-Qualification Programs, not Verification Programs. I don't have any problems with my Verification Program.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Sorry for the delay guys! We've been needing a repair on X and Y drives for quite some time now, and I totally forgot the technician was scheduled to come in last week and this week. But, this solved my issue!!! Thanks Tom!!! It was the "Use Position Points" selection in the Run Menu. I thought this option would only be selected if you manually define the travel path with Positioning Points. Once I selected this option, the End Park Position worked perfectly. 

This leads me to my next question. Why is this the only program I have to select this option to enable the End Park Position? And what exactly is it doing?


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Because a Qualification program doesn't have any features.  CNC End Park executes after features are complete.  A qualification characteristic doesn't have a corresponding feature to execute.

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Thank you, Jeffrey! I had no idea the End Park Position relies on completed Features!

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End Park Position relies on the origin of the base alignment.  Even though the Probe Qual program, doesn't use a base alignment, bit still refers to a coordinate system, which is the machine origin, in the back upper left corner of the machine volume. 

I'm only guessing here, if you ran from Clearance planes, you must have opened the Base Alignment window (maybe left it blank), then created a clearance cube, otherwise the program wouldn't run. This means at the end of the run, the first move is to get to the +Z clearance plane which will be above the Z+ limit, which is probably where your program always stopped.  It never had a chance to make it to run the park position.

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I wonder if you put a dummy point (theoretical point) that you evaluate one of the coordinates of it, if you could then utilize an end-park. Worth a shot. 

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Great thought but unfortunately not.  The data in a theoretical already exists and therefore does not invoke a CMM command.  Even adding a position point into the strategy (which CALYPSO wont like in most scenarios btw) wont give you the action you are looking for

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Are we having bad program or i am missing something? We have in program calibration and then measuring a sphere with reporting origin and radius with a form - does it count as feature?

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