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Best fit cylinder using touch probe


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Hi, When constructing a best fit cylinder using the touch probe are the individual points stored?

I am wanting to extract the point data that makes up the cylinder into a csv file. 

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Hey there!

When you're using a touch probe to create a best fit cylinder, the individual points you measure are usually stored in the system. It really depends on the software you're using, though

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 Hi Kevin , been a while but your name rings a bell! To the best of my knowledge you cannot retrieve the points used from the touch probe to create primatives , certainly dont appear in the explorer tree.

One idea is that if this is really important is to create individual points by the touch probe so they are stored in the tree . These then can be selected explictitly to create the cylinder and indeed be merged into a point cloud to export them , or exported as x,y,z geometry.

Im almost certain you cant explain exactly why you want this but any context may be handy if there may be other alternatives .

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