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Unequal Grid Section Plots


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Good morning,

I'm wondering if someone can help me understand if there's the possibility to alter the grid for viewing purposes in reports.  I have 6 samples all in the same project and aligned over the top of one another. They are all very slightly different from each other. Not as stages because I use the "Separate sections per element" option on actual sections to allow me to cut 6 individual sections through these meshes and then through the property tab, I can change their color. This allows me to overlay all 6 at the same time and see how they compare to one another.  When I'm zoomed in to small specific area's, this works excellent. I can easily see where one part is taller than the next and how they set up to each other. Where I'm struggling is on long sections. When I zoom out to show the entire length of the section in the report in one direction, the other direction is so minute that it makes all the lines look over the top of one another. If I could plot the sections on two axis, each with different grid spacing, I'd be all set. Does this exist?

I thought to use the diagram option. but it appears as though that only for dN or similar comparisons, but in this case I have no dN, I simply have 6 separate actual sections (all of varying color) that I want to plot.  Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!

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Hello Jesse,

 I am not aware of a way to scale the view of a normal (=no check) element. As a workaround you could create the sections with a scaled mesh (https://techguide.gom.com/en/gom-software-2022/article/cmd_mesh_scale_mesh.html).

Or you create a deviation from each section to the first one. The deviations could be scaled in the diagram or in the  properties -> display -> scale vectors.


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