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Probe Rack leveling adjustment (Vast)


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Hi All,

I am looking for some help leveling my probe rack. Has anyone had any experience doing this?

I have noticed some issues when picking up/dropping off probes. Luckily no casualties, but I have seen some near misses.

After looking into this more I have found that the upper rack is not level in the YZ Plane. See the attached file for reference. I have a two-tier probe rack system (pretty standard). The lower rack shows that it is pretty level, but the upper rack shows that it is not level. I am new to the company, I would imagine this has probably been like this for a while. 

When inspecting the gap between the vertical and horizontal beams, I do see a small gap. Before I jump the gun and start messing with this and have our machine down for a period of time, I wanted to see if anyone has a recommended fix. 

In my experience, I have not needed to disassemble the probe rack.  If there is no adjustment, my first guess would be to just add some washers. Are those set screws the height adjustment (see attached third pic)? Do they just need to be tightened down? Do I need to loosen them and then put pressure to slide the bar flush? Or maybe I just need to use a hammer (joking).

I appreciate any input. 





CMM Rack Leveling.docx

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Hi Joseph.

Yes, I have run into an identical problem with multiple MSR brand racks.  They seem to struggle with the weight of a full rack and just lose their shape over time.

We built our own rack out of extruded alumimum, which was cheaper and much more rigid than the MSR racks, but before this I have used shims i.e. washers to fix the angular offset.

You're on the right track. Using the bubble level was a good idea.


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Thanks for the feedback Jeff.

I ended up getting it all leveled out. I found that one of the set screws wasn't tightened all the way and must have gotten bumped at some point causing it to be out of plum. I didn't end up needing the washers and was able to loosen all of them and reset the level, then tighten the set screws. 

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