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Mask and Mark a characteristic (Hide and Disable from running and the reporting).


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Probably going to be several more PCM Q's from me, I am adding features and characteristics to a PCM program.

What I want to do is Mask and Mark a characteristic if a variable equals "Na".

Is this possible?

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Are you trying to mask the characteristic so it doesn't show up in the report?

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I am a little confused... when you say the variable will be "NA".. can you give an example of what you mean?

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If planeB_Flat == "Na"

//Mark some features

//Mask some features


//Unmark some features

//Unmask some features


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I have found I can get the attribute for masked.

getCFAttribute("sphere_loc", "masked")

returns "#on"

The above is masked in the program.

I am thinking I need setCFAttribute to change the attribute, but PCM information is minimal on the use of setCFAttribute.

I tried this but it only returns "nil".

IsMasked=getCFAttribute("sphere_loc", "masked")
setCFAttribute(IsMasked, "off") //returns nil


How do you use setCFAttribute?

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I have learned how to get the masked value, change the masked value, but I am stuck at setting the masked value to the new value.

CF_Attribute=getCFAttribute("sphere_loc", "masked")
        if CF_Attribute == "on"
            // if masked, unmask
            CF_Attribute = "off"
          setCFAttribute("sphere_loc", "masked") = CF_Attribute


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Either way, I don't know how to change the attribute. Although I haven't thought of using a Condition.

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Unfortunately, Zeiss doesn't allow you to set the "masked" attribute with the setCFAttribute command. It is only meant for "User-defined characteristic attributes" (see the basic manual). The names of these characteristic attributes have to start with u_. setCFAttribute always refers to the last "used" characteristic (for instance which has been opened by click or addressed with getActual(...)). That's why the characteristics name isn't explicitly an argument of this command. The correct syntax is to hand over the name of the attribute and the desired value: setCFAttribute("u_example", value). Your wish would work if Zeiss hasn't implement the query that the attributes name has to start with u_.

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