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Using a profile datum in True Position


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Howdy, Im confused on if what im doing is correct.

Datum B is called out as the profile of a surface (it happens to be a cylinder) And B is called out for finding True Position of a bolt pattern, obviously there's no option to select a profile as the secondary datum. At the moment I have created a cylinder and recalled feature points from multiple scans that follow the desired surface and using that as Datum B. I am just looking for some clarification on if this is an accurate way of going about it. Thanks for the help!





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It's the radius that is the datum, not the profile. The profile is called out on the datum B surface. The profile looks to be redundant, because the radius tolerance is the same.

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sounds about right, thats kind of what i figured, Thank!

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I'm assuming this is in inches. Still, using a 30° radius sector as a datum seems a bit foolhardy, even with a tolerance zone of +0.025"/-0.000". My experience with zeroing on a radius of anything less than a 60° sector have been mostly futile. That radius has to be REALLY carefully machined!

I guess the profile was added as if to say "this surface MUST have a +0.025"/-0.000" EVERYWHERE". Not really necessary, IMO....

BTW, what is dimensioned off this datum, and what are the tolerances like for them?

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I would say that for surface profile is missing basic dimension for radius/diameter.
It's in MM and even with that tolerance it would be 80,75 +/- 0,125.

Is this whole part or is that 1 of x?

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