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automatically export custom *.csv file


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Hi all,

does anyone know if there is a way (without PCM-module) to automatically export a custom csv-file with some data from last measured part for an intern BDE system?

I think a text file would be ok aswell. It should include some user-input data and, most importand, a "final result" which gives an OK, NOK or ERR message to our system, plus the location and name of the report.

We are still using an old Calypso 2016 version, so i'm not sure if it's possible to do that. It was not difficult to do this in ZEISS Inspect as you are free to programm any custom exports in python but i'm desperate to do this in Calypso or PiWeb.

My best "workarround" was to export a text-file which is named by "part-nr; date/time; inspectionToleranceState("outOfTolerance")"... but that's not exactly what i need and does not fit to our BDE input.

I'm looking forward to any ideas.


Best regards



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I think only txt file would be "Table file" or QDAS.

For Table files there is even Merge file, but we are using only Table file - this will create 3 files ( headers, characteristics and actuals ) - for custom name/path you can edit that same as for PDF files

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Hi Martin,

thx for your fast reply.

Yes, it does export .txt files. The name and path can be edited as i need. But i do need a specific format as content in the file:

(part-nr [user_input]    ;    date/time [YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss]    ;    path_to_the_report [*.pdf]    ;    result [OK,NOK,ERR];Order [user_input])

How could this be possible?

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If you need that format, then easiest way would be PCM. Otherwise some magic with BAT file and interpreter of table files.

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