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Adding text to Calypso report ?


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This could be potentially added using text elements(depending on Calypso version), characteristic grouping, or in the Comment field of characteristics. More information would be needed about your intended use to be able to give more detailed suggestion. 

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I am looking to add a blank line on the report for a FAI for items that cannot be measured with the CMM (marking, screw threads, etc.)

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PiWeb? Calypso version?

I have done thread check and other non-cmm measurement with dialogs in result element.

If it was as GO-NOGO i was using pcm formulas ( no licence needed ) "ord( confirm() )" - for entering values i've used "val( inquireText() )" - there is even "inquireNumber()" but you have to use right decimal delimiter otherwise you will get whole number without decimals

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This can be done via the Result Element characteristic, Located under "Size-More". When you create a Result Element there is a radio button at the bottom of the window for "Result input". Selecting this will cause Calypso to prompt the user for a manual input when that characteristic calculates. You can name the Characteristic as normal, and in the "dialog text" field you can input the message that you would like to display to the user, such as "measure the gap using feeler gages and input the value in mm here" or "use flush pin gage 103A to check the depth, input 1 if it passes or 0 if it fails"

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Could you elaborate on this concept a bit with some sample images? Thanks.

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Here I am using Result element.
In this case is ZERO value as OK ( GO ) and ONE value is BAD ( NOGO )

Formula is this:

ord( not(confirm("Question text")))

ord - converts "true"/"false" into 1/0
not - inverts boolean ( true / false )
confirm - popups dialog with "YES" and "NO" buttons


  • dialog is shown
  • answer is negated with "not"
  • answer ( true / false ) is converted into number ( 1 / 0 )



Here I am grabing text value for rougness from separate machine:



val - converts text into number
inquireText - popups dialog with edit box and OK and CANCEL buttons


  • dialog is shown
  • entered value is converted by "val"

Why this and not "inquireNumber"? - in our case is Calypso using "." as decimal character, but on numpad is decimal character this "," ( DOT instead of COMMA )
"val" will convert this "12,05" into "12.05" any text is ommited ( ex. "12,55 tat 33" -> "12.55" )


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