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Get Offset Value or getOffsetValue


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Hi everyone,

I am looking for some help explaining what the PCM function "getOffsetValue" does. I came working on multiple legacy programs developed by a previous programmer and they use the getOffsetValue function to calculate a machining correction of a profile. 

Does anyone know what this function is doing? It would be nice to know what the longform calculation if anyone knows this. 

Appreciate any input!

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I found out where this function is, but beyond that. I have no clue.





OffsetValue - a.PNG

OffsetValue - b.PNG

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Thanks Clake for screenshots.

Using bestfit will only rotate and move nominals as whole. This function/whatever is telling you average deviation in direction of vectors.
Imagine that like measuring circle - you would know how much you have to correct machine if you need R30.00 and you are measuring R29.97. On curves its not that easy - so here it is.

Somewhere in manuals they were talking about metal sheets.

I hope i gave you a clue how to look at it.

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So, would you create a second curve for the same measurement (after) to compare against the first one.

I used a result element to get the actual difference (if I'm understanding this correctly)

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Thanks Clarke and Martin. I gathered that the evaluation setting is where the offset is coming from.

Since it is moving nominals I would guess that it evaluates the feature kind of like a roundness evaluation where the "nominal" circle is centered on the curve in this case. At least that's how the form plots are acting as such. Does that make sense or am I off base?

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If that function alters nominals, then it can be viewed as roundess for circles - you will get positive and negative - but it will depend on getOffsetKind.

Hey Clarke - i consider my self as pretty dumb - i surely don't know all and i would say i understand half of what i know.
I have no training curses for Calypso, all my knowledge is from observing of results, reading manuals and learning from posts of forum. 🙂

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