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Extract feature Strategy (Circle path) and output in the final report


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I have created a feature as a cylinder with two circle path as strategy. In the final report I am outputing the characteristic as Bore Cylinder. Anyway I could extract the two cirlce paths and output them a Circle. I know there are other ways to do this inspection but just want to understand if there is a way to extract a strategy and output it without measuring it again.


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  • [bh...] changed the title to Extract feature Strategy (Circle path) and output in the final report

You should be able to create a new circle feature, recall feature points and right click on the cylinder and click open and you should be able to choose the individual paths, then repeat as needed.

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That was so helpful. Thank you. 

Do I have to check box (bottom of the dialog box) that says Re-evaluate feature

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pretty sure you want to uncheck it before you click on the path as it may change your nominal dimensions. 

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