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Block Edges


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I'm new to the CMM world and currently using Calypso 2022 with a Spectrum machine.

I've frequently encountered this issue and have written related posts about this issue, but I still don't fully understand why it's happening or if I mistakenly created it at some point.

The part is aligned, and the clearance plane looks correct, but the block edge appears to be upside down. I know this could cause problems later in the program.

I'm unsure how to fix this issue or when it was created. I’d appreciate any guidance or feedback.




block 3.PNG

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On my machine, the black circled boxes are on the bottom, so i agree that something strange is going on.

If you have a 'starter program', check it before you bring in a cad model or create an alignment.

Me personally i only ever block these 2 boxes, circled in green, and i never have problems that aren't my own fault.


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This has worked for me in the past:

  • Click on Features Tap
  • Ctrl+A to highlight every feature
  • right click, delete actuals.
  • Resources -> Utilities -> Set Base Alignment to Zero (it's at the very bottom)
  • Measurement Tab -> Base/Start Alignment 
  • Create New Base Alignment

When creating your Base Alignment, I would choose Plane2 as your Rotation in Space, Plane1 as your Planar Rotation, Plane2 as your X origin, Plane3 as your Y origin, and Plane1 as your Z. You want your Rotation in Space to be the biggest most table feature.

Once done check your blocked edges and see if it's been corrected.

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Plane1 looks like it could be too small to be a good spatial rotation feature.  Even worse if your points are not spread out to their maximum.  I think using plane2 as your spatial would be a better choice for spatial. 

Spatial:  Plane2

Planar: Plane1

X: Plane2



If those features are also your A B C Datum Features, you can still use them in your characteristics for your Primary, Secondary and Tertiary datums.

Also, I assume the Intersection1 is made up of Plane1 and Plane2.  If so, it is not necessary.  You can use Plane1 as your Planar, if you use Plane2 as your Spatial.  The base alignment automatically creates an intersection of the 2 planes.

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Ramiro, what worked for me is to save and close the program. Then open it again and it usually gets corrected.


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I'd try Tom Oakes strategy.

I'm guessing that intersection is flipping your alignment.

To each their own but, I try to avoid using any kind of construction in a base alignment.

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Hello Ramiro,


Perhaps I missed it, but what orientation was the CAD in when you brought it into the program. Most times I see this, it is because the user changes the direction of the Z axis using just the base alignment menu. This doesn't tell Calypso that the CAD is actually oriented differently on the table however.


If this is the case, please review this document on how to orient the CAD properly:


You can also save out the CAD (CAD>CAD file>save) and then bring it into a new program and it should be oriented properly. Unfortunately, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to fix this situation in the same program. You can do some fancy work in simulation, but if you don't have access to it, I don't think I've ever seen a way to fix it. The process is detailed here, however:


Hopefully this helps.

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