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Creation of a planar tolerance zone for true position requierment of slotted tertiary datum feature


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I need some help regrading the true position of the element C.

According to the drawing I have to inspect to symmetry plane of the slot relating to A|B, but due to the fact that A is perpendicular to C, A|B datum system dose not containing the needed information to provide me a planar tolerance zone, but only a circular one because it is just a point over a plane.

What is the best steps that are needed here so I will be able to get a planar tolerance zone? 

A circular zone contain also the deviation of the 94.5mm and I want to neglect it.

As for now, I constructed two rotational planes. First 90 degrees for A around the CAD X axes when the point is B and then 25 degrees around the B axes.

In this way I acquired a plane in the appropriate direction, where, although its directions are nominal, its axis of rotation is obtained from actual scanned data.
Is this a proper and correct way of operating?

Thank you

Screenshot 2025-02-12 110720.png

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I am not sure of options on INSPECT, but here you have spatial as plane A and origin as circle B - are you able to fill only whose two elements into TP datums and get result?

You can set tolerance to X or Y only, because there is no need for second tolerance ( missing ⌀ so rectangular tolerance band, but here is not used on center, just for symmetry ).

Theoreticaly you can do normal alignment where you will use B-C and planar and B as origin.

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I need a planar tolerance zone according to the slot direction so I will be able to control the angular position of this element.

The A|B system is just an axis over a plane and it dose not containing this information.

I can't construct B-C by C and then check C against itself.

So I asked regarding the additional nominal construction needed here for this true-position request.

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