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Forum Moderators: Please remove the time constraints on edit and delete functions.


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Hello Forum Moderators.

Thanks for the updates and improvements you've been making and for keeping things running.  This community means a lot to me.  Besides the knowledge I absorb here, the connection this forum provides to other metrology peers is outstanding.

I wanted to ask for a big favor.  Could you please lift the current time restriction on edits and deletion of posts?  It doesn't serve us well as members, and it's an outdated behavior.

Making this adjustment would be a value-add to the community and greatly appreciated.  Thanks again for all that you do for us.

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Absolutely, Richard.

I was going to ask for a thumbs-up button as well, but I didn't want to push my luck 🤣

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I believe Jeff, and others, were asking you to allow editing permanently and the ability your own posts. Currently, editing a post is only allowed for a short period and users are unable to delete their posts. This request is a carry over from the previous forum format. 

There is also much interest in the addition of emoji’s in order to thank other users without the need to add another post. 


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Correct, Tom.

Forum Moderators: We are asking for two specific improvements, both of which align with modern forums and social communication standards.


  1. We request that the current time restriction on editing and deleting a user's own post be removed.  We request that users always have the ability to edit or delete their own posts, regardless of time since last edit.
  2. We request that you install a suite of reaction tools (e.g., 👍, ❤️, 🎉, 🤔) to enhance user engagement.

This design element is vital in modern forums and social networking, including professional networks such as LinkedIn.  Reaction tools provide immediate feedback and a sense of community-driven content management and leverages what we've learned about human psychology.

Thanks for your consideration in these two requests.

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Oh, I misunderstood you. You don't want to block editing and deleting, but rather remove the time limit.


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Hallo Foren Moderatoren,

könnte sich das bitte mal jemand von den Moderatoren ansehen.
Ich habe hier mein Problem schon mal geschildert.

Habe es vielleicht im falschen Forumsabteil plaziert, wenn das so ist  bitte ich um Entschuldigung.

Aus irgendeinem Grund gibt es mich 2 mal im Forum mit unterschiedlichen.
Ich habe mich nicht neu Registriert, sondern nur angemeldet im neuen Forum.
Und aus unerklälichem Grund gibt es mich jetzt 2mal.
Bei meiner Anmeldung im alten Forum war ich Jörg Apfelbach angemeldet, jetzt wurde dem noch 2.0 hinzugefügt.
Also so Jörg Apfelbach.2.0
Kann das vielleicht ein Moderator ändern, das ich auch wieder meine alten Beiträge gezählt bekomme.

Danke im Voraus 

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These would be excellent suggestions for the "MY Voice" section in the ZEISS portal.

Best regards,

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I disagree, Kyle.  MyVoice is reviewed too infrequently and action that results from MyVoice ideas is underwhelming.

I am hoping that this discussion thread is visible enough to solicit a response.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Likes are in the works and we will discuss the lift or change of the edit restrictions in our next Forum meeting. 


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Nanno, thank you, sincerely.

I would encourage Zeiss to collaborate on this forum with professional UX and social media designers.  It's okay to admit that as metrologists and programmers, we are not subject matter experts on forum design.  We should leverage talent from those who are.  Doing so will drive engagement and benefit Zeiss.

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